- 怎么打赢的呢?如果你的部族打赢了,你怎么会被他们抓住呢? How beat; if your Nation beat them, how come you to be taken?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 她的官司打赢了,因为她的律师为她作了强有力的辩护。 She won that case because her lawyer made a knock-down argument.
- 呢 (question particle)
- 比赛进入第三回合时我们打赢的希望变得渺茫了 Our hope of winning began to ebb in the third round
- 小鱼儿看了我的话马上回了过来:怎么打就行,我可不怕你。 I immediately saw the Xiaoyuer up: how to fight back on the trip, I can not afraid of you.
- 我完全是侥幸打赢的。 Iwon purely by chance.
- 在汉语中我们说"谢谢"来感谢某人。这句话你们英语怎么说的呢? In Chinese,we say " xie xie " to thank somebody. how do you say that in English ?
- 打赢 win
- 你怎么打领结的? How do you tie your bow tie?
- 可是机车怎么会把列车甩下去的呢,这一点他怎么也猜不出。 He could not imagine how the locomotive had become separated from the train;
- 我认为这场官司你会打赢的。 You will win in that case,I take it.
- 你知道怎么打水漂吗? Do you know how to skip stone?
- 新的每球得分制对俄罗斯队有什么影响?你怎么看待这个新规则的呢? How does new rally point system influence Russia team? And what do you think about that new rule?
- 美国南北战争中北方打赢了。 The North won in the Civil War.
- 你可以告诉我怎么打排球吗? Would you please tell me how to play volleyball?
- 我怎么知道?伙计!刚才还好好的呢,一会就拿上刀子了,我还是去找守卫吧。 You tell me, man. One second he was fine, then out came the knife. I better get the guards.
- 个头小点的男孩完全没有打赢的可能。 The smaller boy didn't have a cat in hell's chance of winning the fight.
- 他们非常聪明。他们知道该怎么打,并会坚持按此打下去。 They are very clever players. They know how to play the game and do it in their own way.
- 打赢一仗 win an engagement