- 怎么和您联系? How shall I get in touch with you?
- 联系人 contact
- 他说有急事须尽快和您联系,他请您回来后给他打电话。 He said that he had something urgent and had to contact you as soon as possible. And he asked you to call him back when you arrived.
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 联系 contact
- 怎么和您联係? How shall I get in touch with you?
- 好,你现在喝上酒了,那又怎么和当地人接触呢? So now you have a drink,but what about meeting the locals?
- 请留下和该地址关联的更多的电话号码,我们可以在订单有变化的情况下,及时和您联系。 Please leave more phone numbers so that we may contact you while any changement to your order.
- 怎么了 what's wrong
- 联系方式 contact way
- 为什么这怎么和效益? Why is this and how could you benefit?
- 我们再一次真诚地欢迎您和您的孩子参加我们的这次活动! We gladly invite you and your child to this activity.
- 保持联系 kept in touch with
- 我倒要领教领教他怎么和我理论。 I should like to see him argue the question with me.
- 联系电话 telephone number
- 请告诉我您的大名、公司名称和您的业务性质,我看他现在有没有空。 Please give your name,company and the nature of your business and I'll see if he's available.
- 那他是怎么和演员合作的? How does he work with the actors?
- 你怎么和我这样的男人相处 How do you deal with a man like me
- 愿您慷慨解囊所累积的功德回报予您和您的至爱吉祥、长寿、健康及喜悦。 And may the merits accumulated by your generous donation sprinkle your life with various signs of auspiciousness, long life, good health and happiness to you and your loved ones.
- 你怎么和威瑟斯联合起来的? How did you come to be associated with Withers?