- 快速定点ICA算法 fast ICA algorithm
- 基于独立分量分析的快速定点算法 A Fast Fixed - Point Algorithm based on Independent Component Analysis
- 基于快速定点独立分量分析算法的母胎心电信号分离 A Method for Extracting Fetal Electrocardiogram based on Fast Fixed-point Independent Component Analysis Algorithm
- 动态ICA算法 dynamic ICA algorithm
- 一种快速ICA算法及其在脑电信号处理中的应用 A Fast ICA Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis and Its Application for Processing EEG
- 基于带参考信号的ICA算法的脑电信号眨眼伪差的分离研究 Removing Blinking Artifacts from EEG Based on ICA Algorithm with Reference Signals
- 快速接头 quick coupling
- 定点距离最优化的遗传算法研究 On the Genetic Algorithm for the Shortest Distance Between Two Fixed Points
- 快速序贯算法 A Fast Sequential Algorithm and its Application
- 快速DCT算法 fast DCT algorithm
- 快速变换算法 fast transform algorithm
- 以独立分量分析(ICA)技术作为主要研究对象,对基于独立分量分析的定点算法进行了详细的分析和推理。 It is the technique of Independent Component Analysis(ICA) that be mainly researched in the paper.
- 离散快速算法 discrete fast algorithm
- 统一PWM快速算法 Unified PWM fast algorithm
- 简单快速排序算法 A Simple and Quick Sort of Algorithm
- 复矩阵乘的快速算法 Fast Algorithms for Complex Matrix Multiplication
- 自适应积分快速算法 adaptive integral method
- 动态快速路由查找算法 Dynamical Fast IP-Routing Lookup Algorithm
- 抗原始快速配对算法 anti-raw-quick-pairs algorithm