- 德国的人口有多少? What is the population of Germany?
- 克利夫兰的人口有多少? What size is Cleveland?
- 加拿大的人口有多少? Q:What is the population of Canada?
- 蓝军球星认为埃里克松的球队有足够的实力在明年德国的世界杯上有所作为。 The Blues star thinks there is enough quality in Sven Goran Eriksson's squad to ruffle a few feathers in Germany next summer.
- 德国的 Dutch
- 卡萨布兰卡的人口有四百多万,它是摩洛哥的工业与经济中心。 With more than four million inhabitants, Casablanca is the industrial and financial center of Morocco.
- 你知道瑞典的人口有多少吗? Do you know the population of Sweden?
- 例如:德国的、瑞士的和斯堪的那维亚的设计就有明显的特色。 German, Swiss and scandinavian designs are quite noticeable, for example
- 75年后,英文成为主要语言,而说世界语的人口有200到400万。 Seventy-five years later, English predominates, while Esperanto speakers number two to four million.
- 他们决定用最多的兵力去攻击德国的阿道夫希特勒的兵力。 They decided to use most of their forces to defeat the German troops of Adolf Hitler.
- 今年我买了很多很多书,连我自己也不知道到底有多少。 I have bought so many books this year that I can hardly keep count of them.
- 法国的人口没有变动,而德国的人口却在增长。 The French population was stationary, while the German grew.
- 爱尔兰人口有多少? What is the population of Ireland?
- 法国的人口没有变动,而德国的人口却在增长。 The french population was stationary, while the German grew.
- 这个国家的人口是多少? What is the population of this country?
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 例如:德国的、瑞士的和斯堪的那维亚的设计就有明显的特色。 German, Swiss and Scandinavian designs are quite noticeable, for example.
- 你知道日本人口有多少吗? Do you know what the population of Japan is?
- 你家乡的人口是多少? What is the population of your hometown?
- 在衣索比亚,只有4分之一的人口有清水可用。 In Ethiopia just 25 percent of the population has access to clean water.