- 微焦点X光管 micro focus X - ray tube
- 微焦点X 光管 Micro focus X - ray tube
- 微焦点X光光源 An X-ray Microfocal Source
- 微焦点X线管 microfocus X-ray tube
- 超微焦点X线管 ultra fine foculs roentgen tube
- 微焦点X射线源 Micro-focus source of X-ray
- X光 X-ray
- 光管 plain tube
- 微焦点X-CT对颗粒床蒸发的动态成像 Evaporation in particle packed bed measured using microfocus X-CT dynamic imaging
- X光管 X-ray tube
- 微焦点X射线测量微细颗粒沉淀两相流 Sedimentation measurements of small particle suspensions by a microfocus X-ray tomography system
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。 I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- 微焦点X射线计算机层析(CMT)及其在石油研究领域的应用 X-Ray Computed Micro-tomography(CMT) and Its Application to Petroleum Research
- 闪光摄影X光管 flash X-ray tube
- 细焦点X线管 fine-focus x-ray tube
- 医生细查了X光照片。 The doctor examined the X-rays.
- X光管 X-ray tube
- 微焦点 microfocus
- 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
- 小焦点X线管 fine focal x-ray tube; fine focus x-ray tube