- 微机辅助CT灌注成像 CT Perfusion Mapping - Translated by Marianne Wang
- 孤立性肺结节多层螺旋CT灌注成像与血管生成的相关性研究 Correlative study of multi-slice CT perfusion and microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor in solitary pulmonary nodules
- 兔脑血流动力学与缺血半暗带多层螺旋CT灌注成像的实验研究 An Experimental Study on Cerebral Hemodynamics and Ischemia Penumbra in Rabbits by Multislice CT Perfusion Imaging
- 微机辅助设计系统 [计] micro-CAD system
- 液压泵微机辅助测试系统 Computer Aided Testing (CAT)System for Hydraulic pump
- 脑胶质瘤X刀治疗前后的CT灌注成像和MR表现与VEGF、MMP-2、MMP-9表达相关性的实验研究 CT Perfusion on Brain Gliomas with Pre-and Post-irradiation by X-knife Treatment and the Correlation between MRI and Expression of VEGF,MMP-2,MMP-9 of the Tumors: Experimental Study.
- 盘状凸轮机构的微机辅助设计 Microcomputer Aided Design of the Disk Cam Mechanism
- 微机辅助设计机械产品装配图 A CAD System for Designing Mechanical Assembly on Microcomputer
- 肝脏CT灌注成像测定肝有效血流量的准确性与可重复性研究 The veracity and reproducibility of hepatic CT perfusion imaging: an animal experiment and clinical study
- QY50型汽车起重机微机辅助设计 PC based CAD of QY50 type truck crane
- 胶质瘤CT灌注成像对脑血容量与血管表面通透性的相关性研究 Evaluation of the correlation between cerebral blood volume and permeability surface from CT perfusion images with glioma grade
- 齿轮传动转矩的80386微机辅助测量 Useing PC 80386 to aid measuring of geardriving torque
- 血流灌注成像 blood perfusion imaging
- CT灌注像 CT perfusion imaging
- 微机辅助温度波法测金属的导热系数 Measurement of the Coefficient of Heat Conductivity of Metal with Temperature Wave by Microcomputer
- 磁共振肾灌注成像技术 MR Perfusion Imaging Technique of the Kidney
- 高压液压泵微机辅助测试试验台系统设计 The system design of computer aided test platform for high-pressure hydraulic pump
- CT灌注扫描 CT perfusion
- 微机辅助轴类工件表面缺陷涡流检测四点法 Four points method of computer-aided surface flaw detection of axle-liked parts using eddy current
- CT脑灌注成像 CT brain perfusion imaging