- 我得了多少分? What's my score?
- 她得了多少分? How about the score?
- 你得了多少分? How many points did you score?
- 分 minute
- 得 permit
- 多少 how much
- “另外那个笨蛋得了多少?”酒店老板问。 "How much did the other mug get?" The saloonkeeper demanded.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。 With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 你们队得了多少分? How many points has your team?
- 问:日本的目的你以为是什么?这些目的已经实现了多少? Question: What do you think are Japan's objectives,and how far have they been achieved?
- 他把文章写得很糟,得了很低的分数。 He made a mess of his essay, and received very low marks.
- 当我把我的新外套花了多少钱告诉我丈夫时,他说花那么多钱我一定发疯了。 When I told my husband how much my new coat cost he said I must have gone off my head to spend that much.
- 她在历史测验中得了高分。 She scored well on the history test.
- 我们要想一想,我们给人民究竟做了多少事情呢? We should ponder the question: What have we really done for the people?
- 他在比赛最后一分钟又得了分。 He added to his tally in the last minute.
- 你校今年派了多少学生参加CRE考试? How many candidates did your school put in for the G.R.E. examination this year?
- 击球员得了两分。 The batsmen ran two.
- 事实上,这种非议往往很无聊,约瑟夫森之流所作的反驳也好不了多少。 In truth, such criticism was often silly, and the rebuttals made by Josephson and others were not always much better.
- 新闻界言过其实的种种报道并没有愚弄得了公众. The public were not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event.
- 我们分到了多少拨款? How much money have we been allotted?