- 当他看到这个理论加重了失业后,他彻底改变了看法。
When he saw how the theory increased unemployment, he underwent quite a conversion.
- 虽然她彻底地用力擦洗那只旧壶,但她无法把它完全洗干净。
Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
- 这男孩已彻底恢复健康。
The boy has quite recovered.
- 你刚才讲的话彻底离题了。
What you just said is completely off the track.
- 我把收音机彻底检查了一遍才买了下来。
I gave the radio a thorough inspection before buying it.
- 他们答应对这次飞机失事进行彻底的调查。
They've promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash.
- 这个问题把我彻底难倒了,我答不出来。
The question baffled me completely and I could not answer.
- 这架战斗机彻底毁坏了。
The fighter plane was completely destroyed.