- 张军,我能帮你什么吗? What can I do for you, Zhang Jun?
- 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗? [table=503][tr][td]A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you?
- ABC公司,我能帮你什么吗? ABC corporation. May I help you?
- 早上好,小姐,我能帮你什么?你可以更明确一点说吗? Good morning, dear madam! Can I do for you? Can you be more specific?
- 是的,能帮你什么吗? B: Yes, what can I do for you?
- 你尽管相信我能帮你解决这个问题。 You can rely on me to solve this problem.
- 男巫师:晚上好,冒险家,我可以帮助你什么吗? Good evening Adventurer May I offer you my help?
- 也许我能帮你忙。 Perhaps I can help you.
- ACB公司海外销售部。我能为你做些什么吗? ACB Trading Company,Overseas Sales Department. Can I help you?
- 如果你什么也不告诉我,我怎么帮你呢? If you shut me out, how can I help you?
- 我能帮你一下吗? Can I be of help to you?
- 早上好,鄱阳湖大酒店,我能为您做些什么吗? Good morning.Poyang hu Hotel.What can I do for you?
- 现在我交给大家两招,或许能帮你提高收益率。 Now, I asked everyone to two strokes, you may be able to help improve the yield.
- 我可以帮你什么忙吗? How can I help you?According to Mary,you have a position for an Account Representative open.
- 关于我们的作业情况我能给您讲点儿什么吗? What can I tell you about our operations?
- 我能告诉你什么呢?我还能告诉你什么呢?或者,我有什么可说? And what can I tell you? Ah what can I tell you? What can I possibly say?
- 我能帮你忙吗? Can I serve you in any way?
- 如果我知道答案的话,我就能帮你解答这个问题了。 If I knew the answer, I would help you work out the problem.
- 我能帮您找些什么吗? Can I help you find anything?
- 你能帮我把这堆沙推到那棵树旁边吗? Can you help me to get this load of sand up against the tree?