- 弗朗西斯:她在等您吗? Francis: Is she waiting for you?
- 你知道她在等谁吗? Do you know whom she is waiting for?
- 上个星期她在纠正一个小错误时把整个工作都搞砸了,所以这次她保持原样不动了。 Last week she ruined the whole job while trying to put right a small mistake, so this time she left well alone.
- 您可以把它们留在我们的寄存处,等您离开中国时再取走。 You can leave them at our checkroom and pick them up when you leave China.
- 我在等您的允许 I'm only waiting for the green light from you.
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。 Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 早上好,我是约翰逊汽车公司。我能帮您吗? Good morning, Johnson Motorcars. Can I help you?
- 她在等验血结果。 She is waiting on the result of a blood test.
- 当您再次来到中国,有什么特别的地方打动您吗? In what ways has returning to China this time struck you in particular?
- 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产 She came into a fortune on her21st birthday.
- 昨天打电话的是您吗? Weren't you on the phone to me yesterday?
- 是活的,而且每样事物都处在转化的阶段。我知道你在等他 Alive, and everything was in the stage of transformation. And as I know that you were waiting for him to
- 她的名望使她在该团体中有重要地位。 Her famous name gave her status in the group.
- 夫人,有人在招呼您吗? Are you being attended to, ma'am?
- 晚上好,费伯先生!我们没等您回来就开始了,请不要见怪。 Good evening, Mr. Faber. We started without you--I hope you don't mind.
- 你在等包裹来吗? Are you looking for a parcel?
- 她在首任任期中显示出很强的领导能力 Showed strong leadership during her first term in office.
- “听我的话,等您病完全好了以后再去办这件迁葬的事吧。” 'Take my advice: wait until you are properly fit before having the body transferred.'
- 我可以这个星期去拜访您吗?我想给您介绍我们的产品。 Could I visit you sometime this week? I could show you what we have.
- 自从总会计师责备奥列夫在做帐时发生数字差错后,她在核对数字时小心多了。 After the chief accountant had bloodied Olive's nose about errors in the figures, she took much more care over checking them.