- 座位上哪有手枪? No pistol in the seat?
- 每支短枪装上双弹丸和四五颗小子弹,大约有手枪子弹那么大 The two muskets I loaded with a brace of slugs each, and four or five smaller bullets, about the size of pistol bullets
- "喂," 贾斯廷在自己的座位上坐下时说道: "喂,皮尔斯,今天有什么风声?" "Why, " said Justin, as she sat down at her place, "why, Pierce, what is in the wind today?"
- 我有手枪,逼急了我会杀了你。我不想那样做。 I have a pistol and I'll have to kill you and I don't want to.
- 切尔:(到乔希)个有驾照的司机没事做?上哪去找这么失败的人啊? Cher:( about Josh) A licensed driver with nothing to do? Where would I find such a loser?
- 他一眼看到灌木丛中有手枪的反光. His eye caught the glint of a revolver among the bushes.
- 爷爷和奶奶坐在汽车后排的座位上。 Grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car.
- 他一眼看到灌木丛中有手枪的反光 His eye caught the glint of a revolver among the bush
- 我要先上哪道菜? Which dishes would you like to be served first?
- 学生称这位男子携有手枪。 Students say the man had a gun.
- 把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。 Bind the ganster to the seat with rope lest he should escape.
- 他一眼看到灌木丛中有手枪的反光。 His eye caught the glint of a revolver among the bushes.
- 上哪去买? Where to buy a new lampwick for it?
- 座位上的系带 A seat belt.
- 你上哪去? Where are you steering for?
- 他就坐在我前面的那个座位上。 He sat in the seat immediately in front of me.
- NBA历史上哪位球员入选赛季第一阵容的次数最多:卡尔马龙 Who has been selected to All-NBA First Team for most times in NBA history? Karl Malone
- 他是个大忙人,哪有功夫上这儿来。 He's a busy man and certainly doesn't have the time to come here.
- 跟随招待员到你的座位上去 Follow the usher to your seat.
- 老鼠上哪去了?你们这些臭老鼠,我非得把你们一个个吃掉不可。 The cat Where are the mice? You bad mice! I will eat you.