- 广电航母朝哪里开? Where Does the Radio Film And Television Industry Go?
- 布来恩和詹妮要在哪里开会呢? When and where will Brian and Jenny have a meeting?
- 朝 towards
- 广电 broadcasting and TV
- 我在哪里开立个人退休账户有关系吗? Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?
- 面朝 look towards
- 不开心 bile
- 北朝 the Northern Dynasties (A.D. 386 - 581)
- 开唱 begin singing
- 广电总局 General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television
- 南开 Nankai
- 朝下 adown
- 南开大学 Nankai University
- 朝上 upturn
- 这条船是从哪里开出来的(船籍港是何处)? Where does the ship hail from? ie Which is her home port?
- 早朝 levee
- 常开 normal open
- 天朝 Chinese imperial court by Chinese envoys or by barbarians who paid tributes to China
- 对开 bisect
- 半开 ajar