- 广义Menger度量嵌入定理 generalized Menger metric embedding theory
- 度量嵌入 Metric Embedding
- 紧嵌入定理 embedding theorems
- Menger Menger PN-spaces
- Sobolev嵌入定理 Sobolev embedding
- 局部凸空间上检验函数与广义函数空间的嵌入定理及其应用 An Embedding Theorem for Space of Distributions onLocally Convex Space
- 嵌入定理 imbedding theorem
- 广义度量S-KKM映射 generalized metric S-KKM mapping
- 水列夫嵌入定理 sobolev embedding theorem
- Radstrom嵌入定理 Radstrom embedding theorem
- 对植物和动物育种家具有经济价值的大多数性状是一些度量性状。 Most characters of economic value to plant and animal breeders are metric characters.
- 空气压力用气压计度量。 Air pressure is measured by a barometer.
- 广义相对论的天文学验证 astronomical tests of general relativity
- 几何定理是从经验得出的。 Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods.
- 广义的赔偿 reparation lato sensu
- 他将木栓嵌入洞中。 He inserted the wooden peg into the hole.
- 度量空间的基本定理 basic theorems of metric space
- 牛顿定理对未来的科学发展有作用。 Newton's laws were fruitful for the future development of science.
- 以嵌入物装饰 To furnish with an inset.
- T1定理 T1 theorem