- 通途 thoroughfare
- 出国通途 thoroughfare leading to going abroad
- 汽车在平坦的高速公路上飞驰。 The automobile spun over the smooth expressway.
- 只是通往迷茫的桥梁与通途 Only a bridge and a way To the blindness of this world
- 那是一条平坦的路。 That road is smooth.
- 程序参与:司法鉴定公正的通途 The Procedure Participation: The Way of Judicial Expertise Fair
- 河堤最后十英里渐趋平坦。 The bank flatted off for the last ten miles.
- 虚拟实在论:科学实在论通往实践的通途 Virtual Reality Theory: Scientific Reality Theory's Thoroughfare to the Practice
- 各种车辆在平坦的高速公路上疾驶。 Various vehicles bowl along over the smooth highway.
- 海岸附近地势变得很平坦. The land flattens out near the coast.
- 本产品适用于户内或户外适用的、家用和类似通途的电器装置。 The product is applicable to electrical devices, which are widely used for outdoors or indoors.
- 这表面必须完全平坦。 The surface must be completely plane.
- 鲁迅是一位卓越的语言大师,他既承传了古语的精华,又开启了灵活运用现代汉语的通途。 Lu Xun is a remarkable language user, both received the passed on archaism essence and opened the nimble utilization modern Chinese thoroughfare.
- 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦,玉米,并饲养牲畜。 In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle.
- 整个地形十分平坦。 The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake.
- 城里有几条街道不平坦。 Some streets are not level in the city.
- 他找到盖小屋用的平坦地点。 He found a level site to build the cabin.
- 提高消化能力可以有助于小腹平坦。 You can flatten things out by improving your digestion.
- 洋底由平坦的平原构成。 The ocean bottom is made up of smooth plains.
- 平坦的斜坡 a soft slope