- 常规X线,常压X线 orthovoltage x-ray
- 常规X线摄影质量控制的相关技术因素 Technical Factor of Conventional X-ray Photograph in Quality Control
- 介绍一种实用的常规X线机控制台外设模拟装置 Introduction of a Practical Imitative Equipment Outside Routine X-ray Console
- 常压X线 orthovoltage X-ray
- 常规X线片 Routine X-ray photographs
- 目的 :探索常规X线、二维和三维CT成像 3种影像学检查在下颌骨髁突骨折诊断中的应用价值。 Objective:To study the useful value of conventional X ray film,2D CT and 3D CT in the mandibular condyle fracture.
- 恒压X线发生器 constant potential x-ray generator
- 方法 对不同类型的颌骨恶性肿瘤的常规X线、CT和三维CT显示情况进行对比分析,同时与手术病理结果相对照。 Methods The signs of ordinary X ray film,CT and 3D CT were compared with each other and with operative and pathological findings in 37 cases of malignant tumors of jaws.
- 高(电)压X线摄影(术) high voltage radiography
- 常规X线 orthovoltage x-ray
- 常规X线摄片 conventional roentgenogram
- 高压放射摄影,高(电)压X线摄影(术) high voltage radiography
- 常规X线摄影 conventional radiography
- 骨纤维异常增殖症X线表现特征大致可分为四种类型:1)囊状膨胀性改变; 2)磨玻璃状改变; X ray features of fibrous dysplasia of bone could be divided into four kinds of types: 1) Cystiform - expansibility change, 2) frosted glass-form change, 3) palisade form change, and 4) insect biting off form change.
- 常规X线治疗 conventional x-ray therapy
- 高电压放射摄影,高(电)压X线摄影(术) high voltage radiography
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology
- 常规X线摄影术 conventional radiography
- 透X线 Pass through X - ray
- 高压放射摄影术,高(电)压X线摄影(术) high voltage radiography