- 带状定向烧除<在防火线的附近或上风点燃一条或多条带状的火 strip head firing
- 除 remove
- 削除 dele
- 移除 remove
- 带状 zonate(d)
- 如何在红松母树林内实施计划烧除 How to implement the prescribed burning in korean pine seed stands
- 重定向 reorientate
- 带状疱疹 herpes zoster
- 除法 division
- 擦除 erasure
- 大楼被烧得只剩下空骨架。 The building was burned to a shell.
- 非定向 non-directional
- 他的成功使他的对手妒火中烧。 His success made his opponent broil with envy.
- 烧除 clean burn
- 营火烧得很旺。 The bonfire flamed intensely.
- 带状的 zonary
- 祛除 dispel
- 我烧青鱼前先把鱼鳞刮去。 I scraped the scales off a herring before I cooked it.
- 木柴在壁炉中闷烧。 The wood was smoldering in the fireplace.
- 除湿 dehumidify