- 她的帐目笔笔无误。
Her account is correct in every particular/all particulars.
- 他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上。
Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account.
- 这帐目是用计算机处理的。
The accounts are processed by computer.
- 这两个帐目不相符。
The two accounts do not agree.
- 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account.
- 我对于这帐目的真实性感到怀疑。
I feel suspicious about the truth of the account.
- 我必须和你结清我的帐目。
I must square my account with you.
- 这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。
The company now uses a computer to do all its account.