- 布鲁托要买什么? What is Pluto going to buy?
- 当我去采购时,我总记着要买些什么,但一踏进超级市场,要买什么已忘了一大半。 I always know what I want when I go shopping and then when I get to the supermarket half the things have gone out of my mind.
- 买 buy
- 本杰明,你真是个疯狂的“血拼一族”。接下来你要买什么? You're a crazy shopper, Benjamin! What are you buying next?
- 还要买什么? What next?
- 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车。 I am deliberating whether or not to buy a new car.
- 您要买什么? Can I help you with something?
- 你最好不要买这个。 You had better not buy it.
- 我要买一卷快速胶卷。 I'll buy a faster film for my camera.
- 怀特太太的孩子们要什么她就给他们买什么,她一定是钱多得用不完。 Mrs White buys her children everything they want. She must be made of money.
- 您要买化妆品吗? Do you need anything in the cosmetics line?
- 他们出价要买他的农场,但遭到断然拒绝。 They offered to buy his farm but met a square refusal.
- 他们把许多钱冒险投资,用于购买矿物股份了,这以前大家都警告他们不要买。 A lot of their money had been sunk in mineral shares that everybody had warned them not to buy.
- 你想要去书店买什么? What do you want to buy in the bookstore?
- 好的。您要买多少? Certainly. How many do you need?
- 我想要买双布鞋。 I want to have a pair of cloth shoes.
- 你想要什么?你心里想买什么? What'd you have in mind?
- 要买一件精致而珍奇的东西,一件配得上(是属于)吉姆的东西。 Something fine and rare- something worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim.
- 有这么多的豪华汽车在此展出,我不知要买哪一辆才好。 There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don't know which to buy.
- 不要买小于六周的幼犬。 Don't buy a puppy less than six weeks old.