- 已知良好芯片 known good die
- 已知良好芯片(KGD) Known good die(KGD)
- 现已知与未知之事间的距离极大。 The gap between the now knowable and unknowable is vast.
- 已知半径为四英尺,求周长。 The given radius being 4 ft., find the circumference.
- 这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。 The country is short of known deposits of coal.
- 这事被认为是已知事实。 It is taken as a given.
- 关于某事某人的已知事实的编辑。 a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone.
- 已知它是无害的。 It is known to be harmless.
- 你的说法跟已知的事实不符。 Your theory doesn't square with the known facts.
- 氢是已知的最轻的元素。 The hydrogen is the known the lightest element.
- 已知吃亏,尽力而为。 Make the best of a bad bargain.
- 那侦探试图根据已知事实设想出完整的犯罪经过。 The detective tried to reconstruct the crime from known facts.
- 已知组 known group
- 已知性 bility
- 已知概率 known probability
- 已知菌的 synxenic
- 已知偏差 known deviation
- 已知危险 [法] known danger
- 已知试样 known sample
- 已知明文 known-plaintext