- 尸检X线摄影 autopsy radiograph
- 尸检X线摄影术 autopsy radiography
- 尸检X线摄影(术) autopsy radiography
- 线 thread
- 在线 in-line
- 集检X光机 mass survey X-ray apparatus
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- 钼钯X线摄影 mammography
- 病理尸检 pathologic autopsy
- 尸检率 Postmortem examination rates
- X线摄影技术学 X-ray Radiography Technology
- 尸检所见 postmortan finding
- X线CR摄影 X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 围生儿尸检500例病因分析及出生缺陷与胎盘病理变化的关系 Causes of perinatal death and the relationship between the birth defects and pathological changes of placenta: autopsy study of 500 cases
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 尸检发现一个大而坚硬的白色肿瘤占了左心室的大部分。 At autopsy, a large firm, white tumor mass was found filling much of the left ventricle.
- 子宫输卵管照相术,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影(术), 子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影,X线断层成像,X线断层(术) tomography