- 尸体剖检过了吗? Has the body been necropsied?
- 根据过往病史(伤口)、临床症状和死后尸体剖检结果 Based on history (wound), clinical signs and post-mortem results
- 病鸡尸体剖检技术之我见 Opinion on the technique of chicken corpse dissect
- 吗 morphine
- 尸体剖检,发现心肌栓塞性梗死 On post mortem, find embolic infarcts in heart muscle
- 你们跟社区的议会谈过了吗? Have you talked to the community council?
- "厕所还是塞住了,我已经试过用水冲了好几次,但没有效果。" "The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work."
- 尸体剖检-皮肤可能有坏疽,创口周围及SQ组织有水肿 Post-mortem - skin may be gangrenous, edema around site and in SQ tissues
- 你跟律师谈过了吗? Have you been onto the solicitor yet?
- 守门员得到了球,把它一脚踢过了半个场地。 The goalkeeper got the ball and booted it half way across.
- 进行尸体剖验 to perform an autopsy
- 在一开始,它是我和特德对付世界,但世界最终赢得了吗? In the beginning, it was me and Ted against the world, but has the world finally won?
- 我们吃力地走过了树林。 We tramped through the wood.
- 马跳过了那条沟。 The horse jumped over the ditch.
- 难道仅仅因为如果修锁匠想闯入我们房间就能够闯入他就成为夜贼了吗? Do locksmiths become burglars just because they could break into our house if they wanted to do so?
- 装在玻璃管中的灭菌棉签适合干剖检时用来采集接种物。 Sterile cotton-tipped applicators in individual glass tubes can be conveniently used to obtain inoculum during the necropsy.
- 有时尸体剖验表明有的动物从来没有达到水面呼吸这第一口空气。 And necropsies sometimes show that an animal never gets to the surface to take its first breath of air.
- 你看到加里新买的那辆菲拉里牌汽车了吗?真是太不寻常了。 Have you seen the new Ferrari that Gary has bought? It's quite something.
- 过了保用期后,设备再出现故障怎么办? What shall we do if the equipment go out of order after the warranty period?
- 早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必须迅速进行剖检。 Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations.