- 对于将来有何预示? What may they portend for the future?
- 你24岁,她遇到你的未婚夫,问你们将来有何打算. When you were 24, she met your fiance and asked about your plants for your future.
- 你24岁时,她见到你的未婚夫,问你们将来有何打算。 When you were24, she met your fiance and asked about your plans for the future.
- 你对将来有何规划? What is your plan about your future career life?
- 如果詹妮继续不断地努力工作,她将来有一天应该会有出息。 Jenny should make something of herself one day if she keeps working hard.
- 对于在中国普及BCL活动,您有何高见? Do you have any suggestion about popularizing BCL activities in China?
- 也许将来有一天,某一科学家发明了一种使海水淡化的比较经济的方法。 Perhaps a scientist will one day invent a cheaper way of producing fresh water from the sea.
- 普通工人对于增加工资有何想法? What does the shop floor think about the rise in pay?
- 你对于约翰有何看法? What do you think about John?
- 你要分给七人,或分给八人,因为你不知道将来有什么灾祸临到地上。 Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
- 再一次提醒大家,只有在将来有可能出席股东大会时,才建议你参与投票。 Again, please vote only if there is a reasonable chance that you will be attending some meetings in the future.
- 你对于这段论述有何看法? What do you make of this statement?
- 于是,他离开法国来到英国定居,宁愿放弃将来有一天会属于他的那份财产。 So he left France, preferring to give up the fortune that would one day come to him, and went to live in England.
- 对于儿童的成长有何重大意义? What is the significance of the letter"" to the growing up of children?
- 对于这个价格,您有何意见? What do you think about this price?
- 到目前为止,我还没有这方面经验,不过将来有此责任时,我想我有能力处理好。 So far, I have not had any experience in hiring and firing. When I have such responsibility in the future, I think I am capable of performing it.
- 麦加:我将来有钱,就为你们投资。 Mekka: If I become rich,I will invest for you.
- 假使你不能去旅行的话,你将有何感受? Suppose you couldn't go on the trip. How would you feel?
- 她一直希望将来有一天能回到故乡。 She lives in hope of returning to her native land at some time in the future.
- 为了帮助他们开拓新的市场,你有何具体计划? Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market?