我也很高兴。下次你到密歇根,要来看我。 Good to meet you, too. Next time you're in Michigan, look me up.
密歇根一位选民以几乎同样的语调说,她喜欢里根总统,她心想,“我别无事生非,所以我这次还是追随共和党。” In much the same tone of voice, a voter in Michigan said she like President Reagan and thought "I better not rock the boat, so I'll go with a Republican again this time."
芝加哥美国伊利诺伊州最大的城市,位于该州的东北部密歇根湖上。是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心。这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁。人口2,783,726 The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in1871. Population, 2,783, 726.
卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻 A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago.