- 寄这个包裹邮费是多少? What's the postage on this parcel?
- 寄这个包裹需要多少邮费? How much postage is required for this parcel?
- 寄这个包裹要多少钱? What is the postage on this parcel?
- 寄到新加坡的明信片航空邮费是多少? What is the airmail postage on postcards to Singapore?
- 这个 this
- 您好,如果我在网上订购了“PJ,CD”,多长时间后可以收到?邮费是多少? How are you, if did I order "PJ, CD" on the net, can receive after having another long time?How much is the postage ?
- 请以快递方式寄这个包裹。 Please send the parcel express.
- 大的包裹邮费贵些。 Large packages cost more postage.
- 寄往香港、洛杉矶和英国的邮费是多少? What is the postage to Hong Kong,Los Angeles and England?
- 我要寄这个包裹到台湾。 I would like to send this parcel to Taiwan.
- 邮费是八元五角。 That'll is eight dollars fifty cents, please.
- 邮费是一元两角五分。 The postage will be one dollar twenty five cents.
- 寄这个包裹须? How much postage do I need to send this package?
- 这家航空公司的行李重量限额是多少? What is the baggage allowance of this airline?
- 寄这个需用结实的木盒吗? Shall I have a strong wooden box for it?
- 把这个包裹从我背上拿下去,它真压得我好重。 Get the bundle off my back ; it is really weighing me down .
- 这个多边形的周长是多少? What is the perimeter of this polygon?
- 嘿,先生,你没法寄这个!你没在报关单上签名! Hey, Mister, you can't send this! You didn't sign the customs form!
- 寄往尼日利亚邮费是多少? What be the postage to nigeria ?
- 你能替我捆好这个包裹吗? Can you tie up this parcel for me?