- 寄航空信还是寄平信? Airmail or ordinary mail?
- 你想寄平信还是寄航空邮件? Do you want to send it by air mail or by ordinary mail?
- 你想寄航空信还是平信? Do you want to send it by air mail or surface mail?
- 请寄航空信。 Please send a letter by air.
- 有位男士没有工作并负债35000美元,还是寄来了10美元,就因为“我身体健康”。 One man, though jobless and'35,000 in debt, sent'10 because" I have my health.
- 寄平信/航空信/明信片到中 国,多少钱? Was kostet es, einen Brief/Luftpostbrief/eine Postkarte nach China zu senden?
- 想寄平信还是持号信? Do you want to send it by regular mail or registered mail?
- 安,样板我们周一可以完成,周二会安排寄出.我想知道,样品是寄给你还是直接寄给杰克呢? Ann, the sample we can complete on Monday and send it on Tuesday. i wanna know, shall we send it to you firsthand or Jack?
- 这封信我要寄平信。 I will send this letter by ordinary mail.
- `你有没有现金?还是我们用信用卡呢?'`用信用卡吧。' `Have you got any cash or shall we use plastic?' `Put it on the plastic.'
- 即使是生命本身,也不过是寄存于这个星球上的匆匆过客。 Even is a life, also however is deposit in this star in a hurry a traveler.
- 尽管她遭到恶毒的批评,我还是维护她。 I stood up for her despite the virulent criticism.
- 这封信是寄给房子的居住人的。 The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house.
- 寄巴黎的航空信邮资是多少? What's the postage for an air-letter to Paris?
- 但我还是关心到我们国民的自发性。 But I am still very concerned about the human motivation part of the whole equation.
- 信是寄给他们的 This letter is addressed to them.
- 寄一封国内平信要多少钱? How much does it cost to mail a regular letter to a domestic address?
- 从法律的观点来看,他现在还是无罪的。 In the eyes of the law, he was not yet guilty.
- 它的强大的战争机器在很大程度上是寄生性的。 Its formidable war machine had been to a large degree parasitic.
- 这里的生活越来越困难了--趁现在好走,咱们还是走吧。 Life here is getting more difficult all the time let's go while the going's good.