- 安装在哪个端口? On which ports do you want to install it?
- 在哪个端口安装该调制解调器? On which ports do you want to install this modem?
- 知道了地址在哪个端口上,就能使交换机把送到那个地址的包只限在那个端口上。 Knowing what port an address is on allows the switch to limit packets bound for that address to that port.
- 您首先需要做的事情就是更改客户机和服务器在哪个端口上通信。 The first thing that you need to do is change the ports that the client and the server communicate on.
- 自己选安装在哪个驱动器号上,勾选下面的 I want to choose the install drive letter and parti
- 您想在哪个端口上进行检测? On which port do you want to run detection?
- 直接安装在闪光灯头上,可根据摄影时的用光角度来旋转箱口 Directly the installation is being gleam on the lamp holder, and can come to revolve the chest mouth according to the using up angle when taking a photograph
- 在该项中,您会看到该更新已独立安装在适用于该更新的每个SKU下。 There, you see that the update was installed separately under each SKU for which the update is applicable.
- 在哪个端口复用该调制解调器? On which ports do you want to duplicate this modem?
- 第一是占地面积,筒子架必须安装在车间内,因此就必须使用该车间的设备。 The first of these is floor space. A creel must be housed in the building and therefore it necessarily uses some of the facilities of that building.
- 另外,同样结构的风门安装在不同的风道中,将具有不同的流量调节特征。 Test Data show that the pulsating amplitude of secondary air can reach 40%25 under some special conditions, affecting more greatly the flame stability.
- 当接收到一个TCP段时,TCP路由器通过查看TCP报头中的端口号就知道向哪个端口传送包。 When a TCP segment is received, the TCP router knows which port to pass it to by looking at the port number in the TCP header.
- 在一些系统中,带变压器的驾驶员电路安装在单独的底盘上,它也需要固定安全。 In some systems, the driver circuitry with the power transformer are packed in a separate chassis, it should be fixed securely also.
- 从在哪个部位分段,可以看出拉坯师傅的技艺好坏和水平高低。 Speaking the truth, it is the touchstone of potters' skills in throwing.
- 绿色指示灯安装在内层门上。每个断路器都有一个指示灯。 Green pilot light mounted on inner door. One for each circuit breaker.
- 他们知道在哪个季节播种,哪个季节收获,每件事都必须应时而做! They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest; everything must be done in its own time.
- 由于具有背部接头,我们的这一新型压力表主要是为了安装在空间紧凑的控制板中。 With their rear connection our new pressure gauges in the unified system for chemicals are intended specially for space-saving installation in control panels.
- 你的NT安装在哪个分区下? What partition contains your NT installation?
- 通风柜照明:两个荧光灯管,快速启动类型,UL标准。镇流器安装在通风柜外部。 Hood light fixture: Two lamp, rapid start type, and UL listed fluorescent light fixture with solid-state typed ballast installed on exterior of roof.
- 使用群集管理器确定包含SQL Server实例的组在哪个节点上运行。 Determine on which node the group containing the instance of SQL Server is running by using the Cluster Administrator.