- 安装了多少新机器? How much new machinery has been installed?
- 安装了多少新的机器? How much new machinery has been installed?
- 今年修建了多少新房子? How many new houses have gone up this year?
- 多少 how much
- 有一个探测队,带着这台新机器进了山洞,希望找到埋藏着的财宝。 Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.
- 他们在所有窗户上都安装了百叶窗。 They put wooden shutters on all the windows.
- 爱德华向安娜介绍了多少新同事? How many new colleagues has Edward introduced to Anna?
- 我们的办公室不久前安装了隔音设施。 Our office was soundproofed not long ago.
- 新机器把劳动成本几乎降低到零。 The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil.
- 精心设计一种新机器 to elaborate his plans for a new engine
- 这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。 The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances.
- 工程师们设计一台新机器。 The engineers projected a new machine.
- 问:日本的目的你以为是什么?这些目的已经实现了多少? Question: What do you think are Japan's objectives,and how far have they been achieved?
- 有好些新机器投产了。 A variety of new machines have been put into production.
- 通过检查确定计算机上是否安装了任何第三方电源管理程序。 Examine the computer to determine whether any third-party power management programs are installed.
- 多少新电子邮件地址您捕捉? How many new email addresses did you capture?
- 我们要想一想,我们给人民究竟做了多少事情呢? We should ponder the question: What have we really done for the people?
- 这部新机器转动得很顺利。 The new machine is running all right.
- 安装了一条人造坡道方便轮椅进出。 A ramp has been installed to allow better access for wheelchairs.