- 它的地点在哪里? Where is the cinema complex located?
- 举行大赛的地点在温布利足球场。 The venue of the big match is the football ground at Wembley.
- 它的显著特点之一是,技术转让可在瞬间实现,从而使变化步伐加快。 One of its marked characteristics is to accelerate change by providing instantaneous transfer of technology.
- 它必须对照购买订单接收货物,并指示这些货物放到合理的地点。 It must receive products against purchase orders and direct that those products be put away in logical locations
- 请问深圳福田区的电脑一级考试地点在哪里啊?以及具体的考试报名时间??? Does excuse me ground of one class exam order the computer of area of Shenzhen blessing cropland where be? And does specific exam sign up time? ? ?
- 要深入了解一个国家和它的人民,你必须在该国居住相当一段时间。 To gain an intimate knowledge of a country and its people,you have to live in the country for an appreciable period of time.
- 在团队建立阶段,管理者选择中间的地点将两组人员合并在一起。 In an expensive effort at team-building, managers brought the two groups together for a meeting at a neutral site.
- 这句引语我仿佛在哪里见到过,但我不能确定它的作者是谁。 I seem to recognize the quotation, but I can't pin it down to its author.
- 民间更爱它的常清不老,在传统装饰上它是长寿的代表。 The folks use this pattern to symbolize long life and forever young vigour.
- 西藏的佛教,在它的典礼惯例上有很大的变化,并且有复杂的等级组织。 Tibetan Buddhism having great variety in its ritual practices and a complex hierarchical organization.
- 在政府土地上合法居住下来目的是获取拥有它的权利的人。 someone who settles lawfully on government land with the intent to acquire title to to it.
- 即使在白天也要尽量避免摄入加啡因,因为它的刺激作用在饮用后延续很长时间。 You may want to avoid caffenie even during the day because its stimulative effects linger long after consumption.
- 目前,Buddy还在服用镇静药物,不过它的精神状态很好。 He is now taking an anti-shock drug, yet remains in good spirits.
- 其光线一致地在从它的起源位置向所有方向均匀的逐出。 Rays from the point light eject uniformly in all directions from its origin.
- 决定新的省道位置,并用定标记号在样板上标出它的位置。 Decide where the new dart is to be sited and mark its position on the block with a site mark.
- 母猪和它的窝仔都被关在产房里直到仔猪9-14天年龄时。 The sows and litters were kept in the farrowing house until the pigs were about 9 to 14 days of age.
- 穿过下院议员席的围栏; 不是贵族的人可以站在它的后面。 Rail across the floor of the house of lord, behind which people who are not peer can stand.
- 一种在方形帆的船上使用的摆动一码来保证它的安全的绳索 a rope on a square-rigged ship that is used to swing a yard about and secure it
- 在一种证券真正以赢利出售前,它的市场价值的增长都只是帐面利润。 An increase in the market value of a security is a paper profit until the security is accurately sold at a profit.
- 在盲目的笔看来,写作的手是虚幻的,它的写作毫无意义。 To the blind pen, the hand that writes is unreal, its writing unmeaning.