- 它是我们的旗子吗? Is it our flag?
- 真正意义上讲,它是我们的神秘意识,它有神秘主义的所有品质。 In true sense it is our mystical mind. It has all the qualities of mysticism.
- 于我们内里的声音。它是我们与周遭的整体的联系,我们的天线。 It is our connection, our antennae into what is greater than us and what surrounds us.
- 我不能放弃塔拉,它是我们的家嘛。 I can't let Tara go. It's home.
- 多米尼克先生,这是我们的餐牌,我现在可以为你点菜吗? Waiter: Mr. Dominic, Here is our menu. May I take your order now?
- 它是我们必须办理的一项手续。 It's a formality which we have to go through.
- 大哭也有利于减轻压力,它是我们情感愈合过程中的本能部分。 Crying can also help release tension.It's a natural part of our emotional healing process.
- 葛罗斯脱:他不是我们的国王吗?李尔:是啊,从头到脚都是国王。 Gloucester: Is't not the king? Lear: Ay, every inch a king.
- 此外它是我们新开拓的唯一研究途径。 Here it is the only line of attack which we have opened.
- 它是我们所知唯一适合生物生存的行星。 It is the only planet that we know harbors life.
- 这是我们的"防皱眼霜"试用品,你想带回家试用吗? This is a sample of our "anti-wrinkle eye cream".Would you like to take it home and try it?
- 它是我们器官功能的增进。 It is great improvement of our organs.
- 独立自主,自力更生,无论过去、现在和将来,都是我们的立足点。 Independence and self-reliance have always been and will always be our basic stand.
- 它是我们这个民族的,带有我们民族的特性。 It belongs to our own nation and bears our own national characteristics.
- 你知道吗,现在苏联用西班牙语对拉丁美洲的广播节目是我们的十倍。 Do you know today that the Russians broadcast ten times as many programs in Spanish to Latin America as we do?
- 已证明它是我们前进的障碍。 Lt was proved a hindrance to our progress.
- 当时的当务之急是我们的事业可不是为我们的汽车进行广告宣传。 It was time to advertise our cause instead of our cars.
- 它是较受欢迎的副刊为男女性功能障碍,是指我们的本质伟哥. It is one of the more popular supplements for sexual dysfunction for both men and women and is referred to us natures Viagra.
- 考虑到你是我们的新客户,我们希望发展我们双方的长期合作。请你还个价好吗? As you are our new customer, we hope to develop the long - term co - operation between us. Can you make a counter offer?
- 万军之耶和华与我们同在。雅各的神,是我们的避难所。 The Lord of armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our high tower. (Selah.)