- 它是哪一种收音机? What kind is it?
- 你的汽车收音机性能很好,它是哪一种收音机? Your car radio works very well. What kind is it?
- 他们确定它是杨柳属,但无法确定是哪一种。 They identified it as a member of the genus salix but could not determine the species
- 一种收音机上用的底盘。 a chassis for a radio receiver.
- 两者当中你一定有喜欢多一点的那种,而我想知道到底是哪一种。 You should have liked one better than the other and I wanna know which one it is.
- 对于即插即用设备,一个系统总线驱动检测到存在的硬件并读取信号来确定它是哪种硬件。 For Plug and Play devices, a system bus driver detects the existence of the hardware and reads the signature to determine what kind of hardware it is.
- 它是名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言。 It is a language in which nouns are freely verbalized.
- 我不知道他的母语是哪一种。 I do not know what his native language is.
- 一种人工制造的小的方形冰块;它是用来冷却饮料的。 a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks.
- 它是由一种柔软的橡皮或类似的弹性材料做成的。 It is made of a yielding rubber or similar springing material.
- 不管是哪一种情况,通过软盘或网络,病毒就会传 播给更多的用户和更多的计算机。 In either case, the virus can spread to more users, and more machines,via floppy disks or networks .
- 它是1964年形成的一种并非依据成文法的制度。 It was a scheme established on a nonstatutory basis in 1964.
- 哪一种是连初学者也能玩的最普遍的赌博? What may be the most popular type of gambling that a beginner can enjoy?
- 它是一种瑞士出产的肉桂甜酒,酒瓶中含有24克拉金箔。 Goldschlager is a cinnamon schnapps produced in Switzerland containing 24-carat gold flakes.
- 有一种关于月球的理论认为它是从地球分离出的一部分。 One theory about the moon is that it is a piece broken off the earth.
- 它是一种高度透明的、带琥珀色的材料。 It is a highly transparent, amber coloured material.
- 它是一种还处在胚胎中的伟大感情,从来没有成熟过。 It was a colossal passion in embryo, It never matured.
- 服务是任何机构生命之源,服务不是哪一个部门的事,它应该是所有人的一种态度。 Service is the life blood of any organization, Service is not a department, it is an attitude.
- 对象,它是可以绘制的另一种类型的图形对象。 Object, another type of graphics object that can paint.
- 售货机也较常用,它是一种投币式出售小商品的自动售货机。 Vending machine is also common and is a coin-operated slot machine for the sale of small items .