- 它是什么颜色的? What color is it?
- 看,孩子们,它是什么颜色的? Look, boys! What color is it?
- 什么 what
- 你的新书是什么颜色的? What is the color of your new book?
- 获取SolidColorBrush,它是三维显示元素的暗阴影颜色。 Gets a SolidColorBrush that is the dark shadow color of a three-dimensional display element.
- 然而,因为DW检验被广泛使用,我们需要知道它是什么。 However, we need to know what is DW test since it is very popular.
- 你的裙子是什么颜色的? What color is your skirt?
- 腐殖上下面的土壤并不黑,这种浅色土壤很像沙子,它是由碎石变成的。 The soil under the humus is not dark. This lighter soil is rather like sand; It is made of bit of rock.
- 你的包是什么颜色的? What color is your bag?
- 它是什么 Its one way or the other
- 海蓝宝石的蓝是神圣与永恒的颜色,因为它是天空的颜色。 The blue of aquamarine is a divine, eternal colour, because it is the colour of the sky.
- 皮肤是什么颜色的? What colour is her skin?
- 你能一眼就看出它是什么吗? Can you tell at a glance what it is?
- 是什么颜色? And what's its color?
- 颜色理论的第二个重要作用是它提供了在科学行为上使用颜色的方法。 The second important use of color theories is that they provide a means of manipulating colors in a scientific manner.
- 小朋友们,你们知道它是什么吗? Boys and girls, do you know what it is?
- 她喜欢什么颜色的连衣裙? What colour do she like for her dress?
- 为SolidColorBrush(它是活动窗口标题栏渐变的右侧颜色)获取ResourceKey。 Gets the ResourceKey for the SolidColorBrush that is the color of the right side of the gradient of an active window's title bar.
- 这种兑换率的波动一直在发生,它是什么引起的呢? Such exchange rate fluctuations happen all the time. What causes them?
- 您要什么颜色的? What color?