- 它是什么时候建成的? When was it built?
- 嘿,真是绕了一个大圈子。大牛:韩佳,这社稷坛是什么时候建成的? When was the She Ji Tan built, Han Jia?
- 能告诉我塔是什么时候建成的? Would you please tell me when the tower was built?
- 能告诉我铁塔是什么时候建成的? Would you please tell me when the tower was built?
- 然而,因为DW检验被广泛使用,我们需要知道它是什么。 However, we need to know what is DW test since it is very popular.
- 是什么时候建成通车的呀? When this bridge was built and went into operation?
- 星宿,在一个人出生时候的行星位置,占星家认为它是决定一个人性格或命运的 the configuration of planets at the time of one's birth,regarded by astrologers as determining one's character or fate
- 它是什么 Its one way or the other
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 它是用红砖建成的,非常漂亮,屋顶铺着铅板。 It was very handsomely built of red brick with a lead roof.
- 你能一眼就看出它是什么吗? Can you tell at a glance what it is?
- 这座大楼是什么时候建成的? When was the building completed?
- 小朋友们,你们知道它是什么吗? Boys and girls, do you know what it is?
- 这座宫殿与世界上其它所有的建筑物都不同,因为它是用铁和玻璃建成的。 The Palace was different from all other buildings in the world,for it was made of iron and glass.
- 他是什么时候开始踢足球的? When did he take up football?
- 这种兑换率的波动一直在发生,它是什么引起的呢? Such exchange rate fluctuations happen all the time. What causes them?
- 老师:罗马是什么时候建成的? Teacher: When was Rome built?
- 这座水晶宫不同于世界上所有的其他建筑,因为它是用钢和玻璃建成的。 The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass.
- 乘地铁较合适的时间是什么时候? What is a suitable time to take a subway?
- 你能不能告诉我们它是什么样子? Can you tell us what it looks like?