- 它是一片什么啊?你的电脑出什么问题啦? Actually, it's not the Internet connection, it is my computer. Its an old piece of junk and it is very very slow.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 在拥挤的人行道转弯处;有一群鸽子围着一片什么人丢下的面包皮乱转。 Near the curb of the crowded sidewalk, pigeons were tossing around a bread crust that someone had dropped or thrown them.
- 我们几乎立刻就发现杰基不同寻常--它是一只非常聪明的狗。 Almost immediately we realized Jacky was an exceptional dog--a very smart one.
- 在拥挤的人行道转弯处;有一群鸽子围着一片什么人丢下的面包皮乱转。 Near the curb of the crowded sidewalk, pigeons were tossing around a bread crust that someone had dropped or thrown them.
- 它是一种瑞士出产的肉桂甜酒,酒瓶中含有24克拉金箔。 Goldschlager is a cinnamon schnapps produced in Switzerland containing 24-carat gold flakes.
- 从宝塔过去,是一片黄熟的玉米地。 Away from the pagoda stretch fields of ripening corn.
- “我没时间啊!”鹰头狮说,“不过我听过外语老师的课,它是一只老镑蟹,真的。” 'Hadn't time,' said the Gryphon: 'I went to the classics master, though. He was an old crab, HE was.'
- 修行和原子的结构究竟有什么关系,它是一种科学吗? What is the correlation between spiritual practice and atomic structure? Is spiritual practice a science?
- 每当春天来临,这里是一片绿油油的庄稼。 When spring comes, this place is an expanse of lush green crops.
- 还有一个漂亮的花园。它是一栋非常现代化 A lovely garden. It is a very modern house
- 这场火灾使这座建筑物留下的是一片废墟。 It was a shambles that the fire left the building.
- 售货机也较常用,它是一种投币式出售小商品的自动售货机。 Vending machine is also common and is a coin-operated slot machine for the sale of small items .
- 傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相间。 The evening sky flamed with red and orange.
- 它是一支笔,但是添加了听收音机的功能。 RadioPen is a Pen, but it implements the Radio interface.
- 对他来说,非洲是一片神秘的土地。 Africa is a mysterious land to him.
- 所有人都喜欢,它是一部能激发人灵感的作品。 Everybody liked the music, it was inspiring stuff.
- 展现在我们面前的是一片广阔的土地。 A wide stretch of land spread in front of us.
- 它是一部完整的管弦乐曲作品,通过五个场景叙述出故事的情节。 a whole orchestral work telling a story through five tableaux.
- 在屋里,我们看到的是一片混凝土乱。 Inside the room complete disorder greeted us.