- 它山之石可以攻玉 A Stone from Other Hills may Serve to Polish the Jade of This One
- 它山之石可以攻玉--浅谈相关学科知识在政治课教学中的运用 To Carve and Grind Jade with Stones out of other Mountains--On Application of all other Courses relating to Politics in teaching
- 它山之石,可以攻玉--利用网吧管理器改制电子阅览室管理系统 My humble contribution may help to bring out better things from others--Introduce the Way to the building of Multimedia - Reading - Room Management System byIntemet Bar Management
- 它山之石,可以攻错 stones from other hills, may serve to polish the jade of this one
- 之後 afterwards
- 他山之石,可以攻玉。 One can remedy one's own defects by accepting another's good suggestions.
- 巧借它山之石--谈高中美术欣赏教学中的知识迁移 A Wise Use of Related Knowledge--On the Knowledge Transition in Arts Appreciation Lessons at High Schools
- 阿尔卑斯山 Alps
- 不足之处 limitations
- 山竹 mangosteen
- 他山之石,可以攻玉;面向世界,开放办学。 The stones from other hills may serve to polish jades; Keeping the Whole World in View, Open Running of School.
- 不管它 let something slide
- 猫眼石 cat's eye
- 不便之处 discomfort
- 林黛玉 lin blackjade
- 自攻螺钉 tapping screw
- 我们往往可以从一个字的上下文知道它的意思。 You can often tell the meaning of a word from its context.
- 磨石 millstone
- 之子 Clouet