- 它卖了多少钱? How much did it go for?
- 你的汽车卖了多少钱? How much did you get for your car?
- 我的汽车越来越旧了,我想把它重新喷涂装饰一下,然后设法把它卖了。 My car is getting old; I think I'll tart it up with a respray and try to sell it.
- 你相机卖了多少钱? How much did you go for the camera.
- 他正在装修这所房子,想把它卖了。 He is decorating the house with a view to selling it.
- 多少钱 how much
- 农场如果不能生利,我们就把它卖了。 If we can't make our farm pay, we'll sell it.
- 你向他借了多少钱? How much have you borrowed from him?
- 他偷偷地把它卖了。 He sold it under the table.
- 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。 I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
- 我们商店经营得很成功,赚钱很多,然而前景不佳,可能现在该是将它卖掉的时候了。 Our business has had a good run for its money. However, future prospects are bad, and it may be time now to sell the business.
- 她出了多少钱? How much did she come down with?
- 你把它卖了?你简直是疯了。 You sold it? You must be out of your senses!
- 他存了多少钱? How much does he have to his credit?
- 在他答应把书留给我之后,却又食言而把它卖给了别人。 After promising to keep the book for me, he broke his word and sold it to someone else.
- 你出国深造花了多少钱? How much did it cost you to study abroad?
- 他们径自背着我把它卖了。 They went ahead and sold it behind my back.
- 你买这车付了多少钱? How much did you give for the car?
- 你把它卖了? 你简直是疯了! You sold it? You must be out of your senses!
- 汉弗莱买下了公司所有的股票,约一个星期后他卖了出去,赚了一大笔钱。 Humphrey bought all the available shares in the company and cleaned up when he sold them a week or so later.