- 他们宁愿息事宁人而不愿惹是生非。 They would rather make concessions to avoid trouble than stir up trouble.
- 他宁愿俭衣节食,而不愿节省旅游开销。 He'd rather economize on clothes and food than travel.
- 他们宁愿走老路而不愿体验新奇的事物。 They would rather have familiar experiences than novel ones.
- 以色列宁愿接受强迫而不愿自行决定。 Israel preferred to be raped than to make a decision of its own accord.
- 我们宁愿住郊区而不愿住城里。 We would rather live the suburb and not wish inside the city.
- 他们宁愿厚颜无耻地硬顶而不愿承认失败。 They prefer to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.
- 科兰先生是为了对着干而对着干,因为不愿相信而不相信。 Mr. Colin contradicts for the sake of contradicting, and does not believe because he will not believe.
- 宁愿而不愿 Prefer to do rather than do
- 他宁愿做飞机而不愿做火车。 He preferred to fly rather than travel by train.
- 他情愿独自经商,而不愿与人合伙。 He preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.
- 宁愿步行而不愿乘车。 Eg. Old as he is, he prefers walking to riding.
- 他决心当个水手而不愿呆在家里当个教师。 He is bent on going to sea instead of confining himself to a room as a school teacher.
- 我宁愿走而不愿留下来 I would rather go than stay
- 我宁愿独处,而不愿与乏味的伙伴在一起。 I'd much rather be alone than in bad company.
- 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 Prefer doing sth to doing sth
- 也有不少人由于种种理由而不愿接受救济。 Some poor People will not accept help for various reasons.
- 我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐着。 I prefer to read rather than sit idle.
- 他喜欢当外科医生而不愿作内科医生。 He prefers to be a surgeon rather than a physician.
- 他宁愿今天去,而不愿明天去。 He would rather go today than tomorrow.
- 我觉得手洗更好,而不愿用洗衣机。 I swear by handwashing and won't have a machine.