- 学生们有一些帐篷吗?不,他们没有。 Do the students have any tents? No, they don't.
- 吗 morphine
- 没错,我们的学校能够培养出各方面的人才,但是我们的学校是否让学生们甚至是老师们有足够发展个性的空间,则有待进一步的探讨。 No doubt,our schools have trained professionals in various fields,but it takes a closer look to see whether our students -- or even their teachers -- have enough scope for developing their individual personalities.
- 我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识。 We failed to inculcate students with love of knowledge.
- 几个星期以来,他的行为有一些古怪。 His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.
- 学生们突然放声大笑。 The students broke out in a riot of laughter.
- 有一些河上的拖船现在还用明轮翼。 Some tugs on rivers still have paddles.
- 仙女们有翅膀吗?是的,她们有。 Do the fairies have wings? Yes, they do.
- 教师叫学生们在课后朗读课文。 The teacher asked the students to read the text aloud after class.
- 这些新的恐怖片中有一些使我毛骨悚然。 Some of these new horror films make my flesh creep.
- 学生们在地板上坐成一圈。 The students sit in a circle on the floor.
- 答应我,你将不和那些在商店附近闲荡的孩子们有任何来往。 Promise me you'll have nothing to do with those boys who hang around outside the shop.
- 最后一个问题:我有一些抗过敏的药物,需要申报吗? Okey. And one last question: I have some allergy medication. Do I declare that?
- 老师设法让学生们安静下来。 The teacher tried to silence the pupils.
- 如果您们有什么问题,请别客气尽管问。 If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to ask.
- 学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室。 Students removed several desks to another classroom.
- 每年都有一些修这门速成课的学生觉得课程负担太重而于圣诞节前辍学的。 In any year some of the students on this crash course find the pace too hot for them and drop out before Christmas.
- 庄稼都收割了,农民们有了一个好收成。 The peasants have a good harvest with all the crops got in.
- 学生们竞相争取头等奖。 The students vied with one another for the first trophy.
- 如果在参观中您们有什么问题,别客气,尽管问。 If you have any questions as we go along,please don't hesitate to ask.