- 孙村煤矿3#钢丝绳牵引胶带输送机改造 Reform of NO.3 Steel rope hydraulic belt conveyor in Sun cun coal mine
- 孙村煤矿调整产品结构的实践 Practice of product structure adjustment of Sun curt Coal Mine
- 孙村煤矿洗选厂降低消耗提高效益的途径 The way of reducing media loss in dense preparation in the preparator of Suncun coal mine
- 浮选柱-压滤系统在孙村煤矿洗选厂的应用 Application of Flotation Column-Filter Press System in Suncun Coal Preparation Plant
- 东滩煤矿3煤顶板突水因素分析 Factor analysis for water outburst of No. 3 coal's roof in Dongtan Coal Mine
- 孙村矿井热源分析及通风降温经济可采深度确定 Thermal Source Analysis and Economic and Minable Depth Determination of Ventilation and Cooling in Suncun Coal Mine
- 煤矿 coal mine
- 岱庄煤矿3煤提高开采上限可行性研究及效益分析 Feasibility and benefit analysis on increasing upper mining limit of No. 3 coal seam, Daizhuang Coal Mine
- 奥运村 Olympic Village
- 木村 wood
- 27减去3等于24。 27 take away 3 leaves 24.
- 漳村煤矿 Zhangcun Coal Mine
- 10多年来这3个孩子一直靠他们的姥爷、姥姥养活。 The three children have been sponging on their grandparent for over ten years.
- 3个孩子交给我妈看管。 My mother was left with three children.
- 阿马孙湾 Amazon Bay
- 这3只瓶一模一样。 The three vases were as like as peas in a pod.
- 煤矿工人 collier
- 迈克耳孙 Mechelson, A. A.
- 这车的后座可坐3个人。 Three people can sit in the back of this car.
- 村小 village school