- "你舅舅家虽升了去,还有你姨爹家." "Your uncle may be leaving for his new post, but there's still your aunt's house. "
- 我不是听你说过,她有个姨爹在麦里屯当律师吗? I think I have heard you say,that their uncle is an attorney in Meryton.
- "他虽没这造化,倒也是娇生惯养的呢,我姨爹姨娘的宝贝." "She may not have your luck but she's her parents' darling, the apple of their eye. "
- "咱们这一进京,原该先拜望亲友,或是在你舅舅家,或是你姨爹家" "When we arrive, we should first call on relatives and friends. We can stay with your uncle or aunt."
- 姨 one's mother's sister
- 爹 dad
- 小姨 (informal) wife's younger sister; sister-in-law
- 她生性好动,天生有些不知分寸,加上她的姨爹一次次以美酒嘉肴宴请那些军官们,军官们又见她颇有几分浪荡的风情,便对她发生了相当好感,于是她更加肆无忌惮了。 She had high animal spirits,and a sort of natural self-consequence,which the attentions of the officers,to whom her uncle's good dinners and her own easy manners recommended her,had increased into assurance.
- 沙爹 satay
- 马爹利 Martell
- 告诉她爸妈,不要等着她不睡了,她可能在她姨家过夜。 She told her parents not to wait up for her. She might stay with her aunt.
- "梅姨,你的照片登在报纸上。" "孩子,我才不相信呢!" "Aunt May, you picture is in the paper." "Go on with you, boy."
- 他活像他爹。 He's the spit of his dad.
- 嫂、弟妇、姑、小姨 Sister - in - law
- 马爹利XO Martell XO
- 蓓蒂姨热爱生活,我从未见过第二个像她这样热爱生活的人。 Aunt Batty loved life as no other human being I ever knew loved life.
- 牛肉沙爹 Beef satay (Malaysia)
- 色爹 phase control
- 娘姨 maidservant
- 翠姨 CUI Yi