- 妙极了!你在哪儿买的? Cool! where do you get it?
- 你在哪儿买的这本词典,是在附近的书店还是在新华书店? Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?
- 妙极了!你在哪儿买的? Cool! where do you get it?
- 在哪儿买的啊,我在私房上听人家说好,结果找遍英国这边超市也没看见,你在哪里找到的啊? I use grape seed oil as well. You can buy it in Tesco.
- 在不远的地方有个吸引人的小小夜总会,乐师们演奏的爵士乐妙极了。 There's a charming little night-club not far away,and the musicians play terrific jazz.
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。 May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 你在哪儿买的那条裙子? Where did you get(= buy)that skirt?
- “噢,”维尔福夫人说道,“它一定是一种妙极了的镇静剂吧。” "Oh," observed Madame de Villefort, "it must be an admirable anti-spasmodic."
- 他认为他的新微型电视机妙极了,因而他总是挂在嘴上。 He thinks his new pocket television set is the cat's whiskers and is always talking about it.
- 你在哪儿买的这条钻石项链? Where did you buy this diamond necklace from?
- 你真是妙极了。 You were wonderful.
- 你在哪儿弄到这台旧电视的/你哪来的这种想法? Where did you get hold of that second-hand TV set/ idea?
- 我可以在哪儿买到防蚊剂? Where can I purchase some mosquito repellent?
- 妙极了!简直妙极了!过去用愈木液试验的方法,既难作又不准确。 Beautiful! Beautiful! The old guaiacum test was very clumsy and uncertain
- 你在哪里买的? Where did you buy it?
- 当我们在听试验时,霍利斯不停地说,“妙极了,彼得。这简直是妖术。” "Wonderful, Peter," Holl is kept on saying, as we listened to the test, "It's black magic."
- 以及地位你在职业中的职位和成就,都会提供一种满足感。 Status, that is your professional position, and achievement, doing something well, can be important.
- 你那条裙子是从哪儿买的? Where did you get (ie buy) that skirt?
- 他到底是在哪儿买的这本书? Where was it that he bought the book?
- 如果你在这里工作很长的时间。你肯定会对工作感到厌烦。 You'll be browned off with the job if you work for a long time.