- 妈妈,这是什幺呀? Mommy, what could it be?
- 这 this
- 萨拉无法想象自己一个人在外国生活会是什幺样子。词汇小补帖 Sarah couldn't imagine what it would be like to live by herself in a foreign country.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 妈妈 mama
- 那到底是什幺? What the dickens is it?
- 这是什么意思? What's the meaning of this?
- 回头我查查,看看是哪天,一般都送什幺礼物,我们好好给您庆祝庆祝。 I will go back and check to see which day it is and what kind of presents they usually give, and then we can celebrate with you properly.
- 这是我的荣幸。 It's my pleasure.
- "他这个星期脾气很不好。" "是呀,不过请注意,他最近病得很厉害呢。" "He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."
- 并且你又会写下些什幺呢:爱?恨?喜?悲?生?死?虚无?万物? And of what would you write: Of love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing? Everything?
- 啊!天气真好!这是拜访客户的好日子。 Oh, what a nice day! It's a good day to make call on some customer.
- 我该做些什幺呢? What would my work involve?
- 你知道这是什麽吗? Do you know what this is?
- 昨天他出什幺事了? What happened to him yesterday?
- 这是一个很严重的问题,我不能轻易放过。 It was so serious a matter that I could not pass it over.
- 唉呀!老兄!这个地方真是脏乱得不像话。你上回打扫房间是什麽时候哇? A: Oh, man. This place is an absolute armpit! When was the last time you cleaned your room?
- 有什幺事令你不快? Has something happened to discontent you?
- 这是一本关于现代英语惯用法的书。 This is a book on modern English usage.
- 不管用到些什幺工具 In one way or another by whatever means.