如果不是玛丽在最后时刻戳穿骗局,这个阴谋就可能得逞。 The plot might well have succeeded of Mary had not given the show away at the last minute.
严格地说,天主教徒的配偶如果不是天主教徒而又拒绝按照天主教的仪式结婚,那么这个天主教徒才是脱离了原属教派与其他教派的人结了婚。 On the strictest interpretation, a Catholic is only marrying out of the faith if his partner is a non-Catholic and refuses to be married according to the rites of the Catholic Church.
如果不是因为这个缺点,我会马上雇用他。 If it were not for this defect, I shall hire him at once.