- 好的!是什么事? Sure! What is it?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 跳舞是对女孩儿们极好的训练;那是你去学推测一个男人会干些什么事的第一途径。 Dancing is wonderful training for girls; it's the first way you learn to guess what a man be go to do before he do it.
- 几天之前,安迪曾经提了个问题:以往最好的圣诞节礼物是什么? Some days earlier, Andy had posed a question: what was the best Christmas present ever?
- 去那里最好的方法是什么? What is is the best way to get there?
- 我会尽力的。是什么事? I'll try. What's the matter?
- 这件事是不容易做好的。 That work will take a lot of doing.
- 他并没有详细说明是什么事。 He didn't specify the matters.
- 这件事是预先策划好的;没人真正相信这是一件抢劫案。 The job was put up; no one really believed in the robbery.
- 初中最好的记忆是什么? What is your best memory from junior high school?
- 面对这种厚颜无耻的表现癖,人们不禁要惊叫: “难道就没有什么事是庄严的吗? Faced with such unabashed exhibitionism,one is tempted to scream,"Is nothing sacred?"
- 镇里最好的服装店是什么 What's the best clothing store in town
- 我们城市被选作新大学的校址,这是多么好的一件事啊! What a fine thing it is that our city has been chosen as the site for a new university.
- 便叫过一个仆人来,查问是什么事。 And calling to him one of the servants, he inquired what these things might be.
- 第一,我认为会两门语言对我来说最好的事就是使用它们。 First,I think that having two languages the best thing for me is just for use.
- 这个他要与你今天碰面。-是什么事? He wants to meet with you today. - What about?
- 最好的膳食钙来源是什么? The Best Dietary Calcium Sources?
- “在这个世界上,除了死亡和税收没有什么事是确定的”(本杰明·富兰克林)。 "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes" (Benjamin Franklin).
- 我们洞识孤立状态的终止并不是那么一个可怕的错误或不好的事。 We came to see that the end of isolation was not such a terrible error or evil after all.
- 对付少年犯最好的方法是什么? What is the best way of dealing with young criminals?