- 好了,你看这样行吗? There! Will it do now?
- 好吧,你看这样行不行?你不经意碰一下按钮,转过头,我们就溜出去了。 Boy: Come on, man. How about this? You accidentally press the gate, and when you have your back turned, we sneak out.
- 我们想用卖羊毛的钱来偿还猪肉的货款,你看这样做行吗? Is it possible for us to sell our wool as payment for your pork?
- 如果华生先生有什么不同意见的话,可以对计划稍加修改,你看,这样行吗? If Mr Waston wants to make any changes,minor alterations can be made then. Will that suit you?
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 你也喜欢来这里看篮球比赛啊,那太好了。今天是纽约队比华盛顿队,你看结局会怎样? No problem! I am really happy you could come. Yeah, I love coming to the Garden to watch basketball games.
- 这样行吗? That all right?
- 上瞧,画好了,你看像不像啊? Look, I finished! Is it picture as same as you?
- 这样行吗? That all right?
- 司机: 你看那座大拱门好了。 Just watch of the big arch.
- 酒井先生:你们太好了。你知道我到达法兰克福的时间吗? MR. SAKAI: That is very kind. Do you know what time I arrive in Frankfurt?
- 你看这样的好天气能持续多久? How long do you think this fine weather will last?
- 我让车停在门口等着,这样行吗? I'll have the car waiting at the entrance, will that be all right?
- 顾尔谦借到一张当天的报,看不上几行,直嚷:“不好了! Ku borrowed a current newspaper, and after reading no more than a few lines cried out, "Bad news.
- 猜猜看这样做有什么好处?其实你已经开始掌握针对步伐的“球感”了。 Guess what? You are beginning to acquire a "feel" for the footwork. Not to mention you will enjoy yourself more!
- 太好了。你明天早上把它带来行吗?我星期四要考试。 Great.Could you bring it in tomorrow morning? I've got a test on Thursday.
- 我得先把一些情报搞到手,这样行吗?” I have to get some other dope before. OK?"
- 好了,我知道了。你看,我现在有点儿忙。 Okay, I understand. Look, I'm a bit busy now.
- 嗨,安妮,你好吗?管道工来了吗?史蒂文:他已经来了?太好了! Hi, Anne. How are you? Has the plumber been there yet?
- 你看这样的好天气能持续多久 How long do you think this fine weather will last