- 好,你看这样吧?我会“很友好地”问他一些将来的问题。我会问他,如果他演唱这条路子不能实现的时候,他考虑将来做什么。 OK, how about this? I'll just ask him "friendly" questions about his future. I can ask if he's considered what he might do if his singing career doesn't happen.
- 好吧,你看这样行不行?你不经意碰一下按钮,转过头,我们就溜出去了。 Boy: Come on, man. How about this? You accidentally press the gate, and when you have your back turned, we sneak out.
- 让我看这样吧,让红袖明天一早离开我们这里城市回老家去。 Let me read this, and let tea leaves here tomorrow morning to go to town.
- 我们想用卖羊毛的钱来偿还猪肉的货款,你看这样做行吗? Is it possible for us to sell our wool as payment for your pork?
- 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。 See the children ramping about in the playground.
- 这样吧,如果你的订货量超过500吨,我们可以给你3%的折扣。 Ok, if your order were over500 ton, we can give you a discount of3 percent.
- 好了,你看这样行吗? There! Will it do now?
- 你看,好心没好报吧! You see! It doesn't pay to be a good guy!
- 我们就这样吧。你要付所有的费用。 We'll leave it at that. You will pay all the expenses.
- 我看这样讲好,符合实际。 I think this formulation is fair and conforms to reality.
- 你出15英镑而我要25英镑, 这样吧, 让我们各让一点以20英镑成交。 You say 15 pounds and I say 25 pounds, so let's split the difference and call it 20 pounds.
- 你看着办吧! Do as you see fit/good.
- 你看这样说起来多顺呐,对不对。 You go no go! If you no go I go.
- 如果你不介意的话,还是不要这样吧。 Well, no, if you don't mind.
- 你看起来好极了。她在自由式泳赛中处于最佳状态。 Look your best. She was at her best in the freestyle competition.
- 凯罗兰:这样过一天可真凄惨。这样吧,我回家时买些你爱吃的小甜饼给你。 Caroline: That's a miserable way to spend the day. Tell you what, I'll bring you some of your favorite cookies on my way home.
- 你看我不知选哪个最好,你能帮我挑挑吗? You know I can't pick the better of them,can you help me to decide?
- 不,不,这样吧,你先挂。 No, no, ok, you hang up.
- 简,你看起来好疲倦。昨晚没睡好吗? Jane, you look bushed. Didn't you get a good night's sleep?
- 也许是这样吧,不过我看过她打球。 That may be true,but I've seen her play.