- 她究竟在做什麽? What ever is she doing?
- 不要客气。嘿,我们到了,这就是学生活动中心,你要在这里做什麽? Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here?
- 她弄不清她究竟在那里呆了多久。 She lost the run of the time she was there.
- 他终於察觉到她在做什麽。 He finally tumbled to what she was doing.
- 于是,我们开始追问:黑色素究竟在人类演化史上扮演了什麽角色? Accordingly, we began to ask what role melanin might play in human evolution.
- 自从总会计师责备奥列夫在做帐时发生数字差错后,她在核对数字时小心多了。 After the chief accountant had bloodied Olive's nose about errors in the figures, she took much more care over checking them.
- 弄清楚自己在做什麽! Do look what you are doing!
- 苍天在上,你究竟在干什麽? In God's name, what are you doing?
- 在这样的时候,我什麽都舍得。 At a time like this, I do not grudge a thing.
- 你在做什么?你在做什麼? Trying to get the Chinglish community to answer this one simple question: What are you doing?
- 到这个阶段,我们可以试问这两个个体究竟在这个发展中获得什麽。 At this stage, one may ask what gains accrue to the two individuals from this development.
- 苍天在上,你究竟在干什麽? In God's name, what are you doing?
- 她跟你说过什麽有趣的事吗? Did she tell you anything interesting?
- 你一直在做什麽? What have you been doing all this time?
- 他难以说明她为什麽不见了. He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance.
- 这莫名其妙的发作究竟是为什麽? What lay behind this strange outburst?
- 这件甲克是用什麽料子做的? What stuff is this jacket made of?
- 究竟是什麽砰的一声响? What in God's name was that huge bang?
- 你自己是否清楚该做什麽? Are you quite clear in your own mind what you ought to do?
- 谁也不知道她在这个主题上什麽时候会来个一百八十度的大转变。 One can never tell when she'll wheel about on that subject.