- 她是你的朋友吗? Is she a friend of yours?
- 你可随时向玛丽倾吐你的烦恼,她是你的好朋友,会听你倾诉的。 You can always unload your troubles on Mary, she is your good friend and will listen to you.
- 押沙龙问户筛说,这是你恩待朋友吗。为什么不与你的朋友同去呢。 And Absalom said to Hushai, Is this thy kindness to thy friend? Why wentest thou not with thy friend?
- 这些是你的朋友吗? Are these your friends?
- 她是你的老师吗? Is she your teacher?
- 我做得很对,贝茜。你的太太向来不是我的朋友,她是我的敌人。 It was quite right, Bessie: your missis has not been my friend: she has been my foe.
- “但是,莫雷尔,阿尔贝不是你的朋友吗?” "But, Morrel, Albert is your friend?"
- 她是你的亲骨肉。 She's your own flesh and blood.
- 你还认为他是你的朋友吗? Do you still reckon him as one of your friends?
- 不可亲近你伯叔之妻,羞辱了你伯叔,她是你的伯叔母。 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt.
- 我所有的朋友都怕我的房东,但我知道她是面貌凶而心善的人。 All my friends were terrified by my landlord,but I knew her bark was worse than her bite.
- 就给你了,她是你的了。 So be it. You can do whatever you want with her.
- 那些车手是你的朋友吗? B: Are those drivers your friends?
- 她是你的新邻居,对吧? V: She is your new neighbor, right?
- 你能代我把这盒寄出,另外再把那盒直接寄给我的朋友吗? Can you post the one on behalf of me and send the one directly to my friend?
- 如果我错了请纠正,但是我相信她是你的同班同学。 Correct me if I am wrong,but I believe she was a classmate of yours.
- 正在游泳池里游泳的男孩是她的朋友吗? Is the boy swimming in the swimming-pool her friend?
- 为什么说她是你的妹妹,使我收她为妻? Why did you say that she was your sister,so that I took her as a wife?
- 你认为汤姆是你的朋友吗? Do you rate Tom among your friends
- 小云:这是我的朋友小雨。她是我在密云石城寄宿小学的同学。 Xiao Yun: This is my friend Xiao Yu. She is my classmate in Miyun Shicheng Boarding School.