- 他是我们常在报上看到的人物,但我们不知道他是什么样的人。 He was somebody you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet we couldn't put a name to him.
- 她是什么样的人? What manner of person is she?
- 从她向老板作媚眼的那个得行你就知道她是个什么样的人 From the way she is making eyes at the Boss you'll certainly know what sort of person she is
- 我已尽力告诉他她是一个什么样的女孩,但是他相信她比白雪还要洁白。 I've tried to tell him what kind of a girl she is, but he's convinced that she's purer than the driven snow.
- 这些就是我发自内心深处的精神动力。你是什么样的人呢? "Those are my deep-seated, emotional reasons. What are yours? "
- 海伦是个感情外露的人。很容易看出她是悲伤还是喜悦。 Helen carries her heart on her sleeve. It's easy to see of she is sad or happy.
- 她是什么样的女孩子?你想听什么样的故事?这会是宗什么样的生意?那是种什么动物?你看到的是什么样的画面? What sort of girl is she? Story do you want to hear? Business will this be? Animal is that? Picture did you see?
- 我希望我也能让他看看我是什么样的人。 I wish I could show him what sort of man I am.
- 在整个审讯的过程中,她那端庄的举止使得每个人都相信她是无辜的。 Her dignified bearing throughout the trial made everyone believe she was innocent.
- 做交易时,她是个善于讨价还价的人。 She is a tough cookie when it comes to making a deal.
- 当象乌兹别克和阿曼这样的队出线,这是什么样的世界杯? What kind of world cup is it when teams like oman or Uzbek. Will qualify to it?
- 他们一眼就看出他是什么样的人了。 They sized him up with a look.
- 她是我见到过的最傲慢无礼的人啦。 She is the most insolent creature I ever put my eyes on.
- 有时候我看他发挥得鹅种坎坷,因为我总是知道他是什么样的球员。 AI: Sometimes when I watch him play I kind of get goose bumps, because I always knew what type of player he was.
- 她是在本公司纽约办事处和我干同一职位的人。 She's my opposite number in the company's New York office.
- 阿达玛上将认为阿达尔总统是什么样的人? What did Admiral Adama consider President Adar to be?
- 她的话使人感到她是一个谦逊的人。 She sounded a modest woman.
- 他们一眼就看出他是什么样的人。 They sized him up with a look.
- 你想像不出弥留之际的她是什么样;那么耐心、体贴,完全不像从前的她了。 You can't imagine what she looked like at the last. She was so patient and considerate-not at all what she used to be.
- "你是什么样的人,不说没听见,还倒细问!" What's come over you? You not only listen to drunken raving but have to ask questions too.