- 她摸来摸去在找什么? What is she poking about for?
- 你在摸来摸去找什么? What are you poking about for?
- 她在包里摸来摸去找眼镜。 She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.
- 她是你化学实验课得伙伴,她决得你很聪明,她修剪过的指甲还在你身上摸来摸去。 She's your lab partner, you saved her life, she thinks you're a genius and she had her polished fingernails all over you?
- 这位工人在工具箱里摸来摸去找几个螺丝钉。 The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box.
- 安迪站在地上,盯着那个由于掉下来的混凝土块而形成的小洞,小心的用手指摸来摸去。 Andy stands peering at the small hole left by the fallen chunk. Carefully runs his fingertip over it.
- 黑暗中他摸来摸去找开关。 In the dark he felt around for the switch.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- "今晚你在家里吃饭吗?" 她母亲问道。 "Are you eating in tonight?" asked her mother.
- 但是,那个收费员把零钱拿在手中摸来摸去。 the dumb son of a bitch actually dropped it.
- 欧洲该领域的监管部门一直在找苹果的碴。 European regulators have been gunning for Apple.
- "不妨让你知道," 比尔说,"我已深深地爱上了她。" "I don't mind your knowing, " Bill said, "I'm over head and ears in love with her."
- 摸高 sargent jump
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- "本,等一会儿。" 她喊道,"我有钱给你。" "Ben, wait a minute!" She shouted. "I've got money for you."
- "跟随我去看电影吧。" "不行,我必须留在家里工作。" "Come to a film with me." "Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。 "Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- "简是个漂亮的姑娘,是吧?" "我不敢说她漂亮,她确实很有钱--这无论如何会使她显得很有魅力的!" "Jane's a pretty girl, isn't she?" "I didn't know about pretty. She's certainly got plenty of money--which makes her attractive, anyway!"
- "弗雷德和他父亲一起去吗?" "不,他不打算去。" "Will Fred go with his father?" "No, he's not about to."