- 她得了多少分? How about the score?
- 我得了多少分? What's my score?
- 在创造力方面,她得了异乎寻常的低分。 She got an unusually low score for creativity.
- 她得了个第二名,成绩很差(远远落在第一名的後面)。 She came a poor second, ie a long way behind the winner.
- 你得了多少分? How many points did you score?
- 好像有问题,我怀疑她得了败血病,应该是诅咒吧? Seem problematic, she has got the septicemia in my suspicion, should curse ?
- 你们队得了多少分? How many points has your team?
- 她得了眼病。 She's got a disease of the eyes.
- 你的模拟考试得了多少分? What did you get in the mock?
- 时间不早了,她得动身返回海德堡了。 It was getting late; she must start back for Heidelberg .
- 她得了慢性咳嗽。 She has a chronic cough.
- 上次测验你得了多少分? What was your grade for the last test?
- 过了几分钟门终于拉成半开,她得以通过了。 After some minutes the door was sufficiently ajar for her to slip out.
- 你签约那个队得了多少钱呀? How much did you sign up with that team for?
- 得了多少分? What is the score?
- 总理在公从场合的出现平息了关于她得病的传言 The prime minister scotched the rumors of her illness with a public appearance.
- 你在总统选举里募得了多少钱? A: How much money did you raise for your presidential campaign?
- 从事这项工作的第一天她就经受了一场严峻的考验,因为她得立即处理一件非常棘手的事情。 Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately.
- 你得多少分? What was your score?
- 奥运会上她得了3块金牌。 She got three gold medals medals at the Olympic Games.